Tribute to the Military; God Bless America

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

When is Murtha (and the lamestream media) going to apologize to Haditha Marines?

I am so pissed off I cannot see straight.  When the hell is Congressman "Jack" Murtha and the lamestream media going to apologize for convicting the Haditha 8 Marines before they went to trial?  The Haditha story was cooked up by a anti war lamestream new media reporter.  Murtha and the lamestream media jumped on the incident before it was investigated and convicted the Marines prematurely.  It seems that these sympathizers are so quick to pull the trigger on innocent military personnel and try to ruin careers for the agenda. 

For the latest story regarding the Haditha 8 Marines, seven freed one still in the hot seat:  More charges dropped over alleged massacre

     US Marine Corps officer accused of failing to properly investigate the alleged massacre of 24 Iraqi civilians in the town of Haditha has been cleared of wrongdoing, the military said today.....
     The military said from its the Marines Camp Pendleton base in southern California that all charges against Captain Lucas McConnell stemming from the Haditha investigation had been dropped.....
     Captain McConnell was one of eight Marines facing charges in connection with the Haditha killings in November 2005, the most serious allegations of war crimes against US troops serving in Iraq.....
     Four Marines were initially charged with murder, while Captain McConnell and three other officers were charged with failing to properly investigate or report the circumstances surrounding the killings.....
     An initial press release from Marines concerning the incident said that 15 civilians had been killed in the bombing, a statement which was later acknowledged by the military to be false......
     The prosecutions of Marines involved in the case have slowly unraveled, however.....
     Only one soldier, Staff Sergeant Frank Wuterich, facing murder charges in connection with the deaths.

Lets take a trip down memory lane with the Times (and CNN) and see how a bunch of damn moveon socialists besmirched the United States Marine Corps and tried to ruin eight Marines who were in combat action.  Here is what was written and said by the yellow journalists and moveon sympathizers:

 Did the Marines kill in cold blood?  Monday, May 22, 2006 By SALLY B. DONNELLY, Times:  When a Congressman makes the extraordinary claim that U.S. troops killed innocent civilians "in cold blood," Washington takes notice. And when he's a former Marine and decorated Vietnam vet, the assertion carries special weight. Pennsylvania Democrat John Murtha, who backed going to war in 2002 but has become a vocal critic of the Bush Administration's handling of Iraq, last week said U.S. Marines were guilty of murdering civilians in the Iraqi town of Haditha last November--an event that was uncovered by TIME in March.

Murtha made his claims after being briefed on an ongoing U.S. military investigation sparked by TIME's story, which detailed allegations that 15 Iraqis at Haditha might have been shot by Marines--not killed by a bomb, as the Marines had said. "It's much worse than was reported," said Murtha, the top Democrat on the House Defense Subcommittee. "There was no firefight. There was no [improvised explosive device] that killed those innocent people." Murtha claimed that "about twice as many" Iraqis were killed as had been reported.

More BULL from the lamestream media Related Lame Stream Press Articles that blew this whole thing out of ) proportion and insinuated falsely that our Marines were guilty:

    • Cover: The Ghosts Of Haditha   Sunday, June 04, 2006 By MICHAEL DUFFY, TIM MCGIRK, BOBBY GHOSH  What happened one November morning in a dusty Iraqi town threatens to become one of the war's major debacles, an alleged atrocity committed by a small group of Marines that promises to haunt the hearts and minds of liberator and liberated alike...

To bad the reporting of Haditha and most of what comes out of the lamestream media in Iraq is BULL and figments of the left wing moveon agenda. Where the hell is truth in journalism?  You chuckleheads are ruining careers and lives with you irresponsible reporting.

Well, lamestream media, Sally, Tim, Michael, "Jack" Murtha, left wing chuckleheads, and foul weather merchants when are you going to apologize and clean up the mess that YOU started?  You all have besmirched the United States Marine Corps and the America servicemen and servicewomen who wear the uniform and protect your sorry asses.   Get your asses out in the field and report the news rather than write press releases from new feeds and hearsay. 

Murtha, you should resign.

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